Everything changes, everything is circular: nothing starts, nothing ends, nothing exists independently from the whole.

Eusebism’s wheel visually represents the whole, expressing universal and innate skills that unite everything: infinitely small as well as infinitely big, visible as well as invisible.

In the center the One, that principle already mentioned by ancient philosophers, such as Empedocles, as the origin of the universe, the unit from which everything comes and to which everything returns: the disintegration, represented by rays departing from the center, leads to the apparent division, so any entity consider itself distinguished from the others, but it still belongs to the whole system, represented by the circumference.

As any philosophy Eusebism doesn’t begin, nor consider any faith, but it is exclusively founded on observation and interpretation, without any subjectivism, even those that come from observer’s contextualization based upon species, sex, age, origin, propensity, habit, social status, technological level and historical epoch.

All the concepts of Eusebism can be indifferently referred to many levels of observation of reality: from a point of view materialist and merely scientific everything that exists interact and the first law of thermodynamics states the circularity in the transformation of matter (neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed. It can only change forms).

From a single cell to stars, everything requires balance between opposing forces and awareness that any action deliberate from sentient beings implies effects for any other included in the same system.

From a transcendental point of view – adopted by those who, not considering reality limited to what is perceptible, consider also the existence of elements that transcend – Eusebism and its sign keep the same capacity to describe existence, in this case with more levels of comprehension.

The Eusebism’s unifying element is absolute and unconditional respect for everything that exists and that, both from material and transcendental perspective, represents the only security on which to base relations with oneself and with anything that is other from itself, to search the best improvement possible and maximization of overall well-being.

Humanism, animal rights, environmentalism represent philosophical currents that, even if useful and innovative, still remain confined within objective limitations, since all consider just one element and, then, automatically preventing from referentiality to the others.

Eusebism incorporates all those perspectives, assimilating inside a general comprehensive theory that, recognizing and valorizing differences and diversities, rejects any discrimination based on them.

Eusebism’s perspective inversioni is explained by the question: “Why should I deny respect?”, in contrast to classical approach that, beginning from preconceived thesis, researches proves and demonstrations to recognize rights and respect.